Along with raising money through our 501c3 the AZFFES prides itself on helping men and women obtain their dream of becoming a Firefighter. Through Ride Along’s, Interview Prep, Fire Department tradition and culture immersion, volunteer and networking opportunities and Physical Fitness Preparation we strive to give you the best opportunity and prepare you for the hiring process of becoming a Firefighter. We have assisted Men and Women in the hiring process with numerous Fire Departments throughout the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. Without a doubt the Physical Fitness and Interview portion of the hiring process are the most important factors in the success of any Candidate. We offer weekly opportunities to not only practice your interview but also to get into a set of turnouts and improve yourself physically through our skills course. See the tabs below for more information on our interview and skills course prep.
A true test of Strength, Endurance and Grit; The Skills Course is the Great Seperator. AZFFES offers its members weekly opportunities to improve their mental toughness and physical fitness, by getting in a set of turnouts and performing functional exercises and using tools commonly used in the Fire Service. With the goal in mind of completing our strict standard of 2 rounds of skills course in 50 minutes or less, members will build a foundation of fitness that will lay the groundwork to success physically. Whether you are preparing for an Intern Academy, Pre-Academy, The Fire Academy or a career in the Fire Service our program will provide the tools and opportunity to improve your Fire Ground Fitness. In a job where we ask for everything you got and just a little more; The Skills Course is the Great Seperator.
AZFFES Mentorship Members also will receive the opportunity to;
Learn Fire Service interview structure and format
Learn Fire Service interview etiquette
Weekly hot seat opportunities where members can practice and receive feedback on their interview from Sworn Fire Dept. Mentors
Earn the opportunity to receive 1 on 1 interview prep from a mentor by volunteering at events and completing the 50min standard for skills course time
Come on down for one of our weekly meetings and see if being a Member of AZFFES’s Mentorship Program is right for you. We have a Membership fee of $50 which gets you a AZFFES T-shirt for volunteer events, ride alongs with a Mentor, weekly meeting and Skills Course access. For more information on where and when we meet email us at